Pride, as viewed through a Christian lens, is often regarded as a destructive force that leads to arrogance and separation from God. Proverbs 16:18 warns, "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall," highlighting the dangers of prideful behavior and its eventual consequences. Similarly, James 4:6 reminds believers that "God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble," emphasizing the importance of humility in the eyes of God. At the Christian Resource Library (CRL), we offer curated links and resources to deepen understanding and combat the negative effects of pride. Through articles, studies, and reflections on biblical teachings about humility and pride, as well as practical guidance for fostering humility in daily life, our collection provides valuable insights and resources for individuals seeking to overcome pride and cultivate a humble heart before God.

Pride - Christian Resource Library
Pride - Christian Resource Library


Pride is considered one of the most serious moral failings, often referred to as the root of all other sins. It involves an exaggerated self-esteem or self-worth, leading one to place their desires and judgments above God's commandments and others' needs. Christian teachings caution strongly against pride, urging believers to adopt humility instead.

The Bible addresses the dangers of pride in several key scriptures. Proverbs 16:18 states, "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." This proverb warns that pride sets individuals on a path toward inevitable downfall. It emphasizes that the self-sufficiency and arrogance associated with pride can lead to spiritual, emotional, or physical ruin.

Similarly, James 4:6 offers insight into God’s response to pride: "God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble." This scripture highlights the stark contrast in how God interacts with the proud versus the humble. It suggests that pride alienates individuals from God's grace, whereas humility opens a person to receive God’s support and blessing.

Christian teachings encourage believers to examine their hearts for signs of pride and to seek a spirit of humility. This is not only to avoid the negative consequences associated with pride but also to cultivate a closer relationship with God. Humility is seen as essential for true spiritual growth, enabling believers to depend fully on God rather than their abilities or achievements.

In practice, Christians are encouraged to adopt servant leadership, emulate the humility of Jesus, and value others above themselves. This approach to life fosters community, nurtures loving relationships, and aligns with the biblical mandate to love God and neighbor as oneself, combatting the isolating effects of pride.