Christian news is a vital source of information for believers, offering insights into current events, social issues, and developments that align with Christian values and perspectives. At CRL, we understand the importance of staying informed about news that resonates with the Christian worldview. Through curated links to various reputable Christian news sources, we aim to provide a platform where individuals can access reliable and timely information.

From global to local events, our collection includes diverse resources that cover a range of topics, including faith, culture, and social justice. As we continue to update and expand our list of links, our commitment is to keep users connected to the latest Christian news, empowering them to engage with the world through the lens of their faith.

News - Christian Resource Library
News - Christian Resource Library


Engaging with the news involves more than just staying informed about current events; it encompasses discerning the implications of these events through the lens of biblical principles and Christian ethics. Christians are encouraged to consume news with a critical eye, reflecting on how the information aligns with God’s justice, mercy, and truth.

Scripture provides guidance on how to interact with worldly information. In Philippians 4:8, Paul advises, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." This verse suggests that Christians should focus on news that embodies these virtues, promoting a positive and constructive engagement with the media.

Additionally, Jesus' commandment in Matthew 22:21 to "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s," highlights the importance of understanding societal structures and governance, implying that Christians should be informed citizens who thoughtfully engage with civic duties.

Christian news sources vary widely, with some focusing on how global events impact the Christian community and others providing analysis through a theological lens. These sources often emphasize news that relates to religious freedom, Christian persecution, ethical issues, and humanitarian concerns—areas deeply connected to Christian advocacy and mission.

Furthermore, many Christian commentators encourage believers to respond to news not only as consumers but as active participants. This might mean praying about current events, discussing issues in a community context, or taking action on social justice issues. By integrating faith with their understanding of the news, Christians aim to live out their call to be salt and light in the world, influencing society in ways that reflect the kingdom of God.