Miracles, extraordinary events that defy natural laws and human understanding, hold a central place in Christian faith and theology. They are often seen as divine interventions that reveal God's power, compassion, and presence in the world. Throughout the Bible and Christian history, miracles have served as signs of God's kingdom, confirming His promises, and bringing about healing, deliverance, and transformation. In Christianity, miracles are viewed as expressions of God's sovereignty and grace, demonstrating His ability to work beyond human limitations and orchestrate divine purposes.

Christian Resource Library (CRL) acknowledges the profound significance of miracles within the Christian tradition and their enduring impact on believers' lives. Through our curated links, CRL provides valuable insights and support for individuals seeking to understand, appreciate, and encounter the miraculous in their faith journey.

Miracles - Christian Resource Library
Miracles - Christian Resource Library


Miracles are a central theme in Christianity, acts of God that transcend natural laws, serving as a divine intervention in the natural world and human affairs. Christians believe miracles are signs of God's power and love, meant to strengthen faith, demonstrate His sovereignty, and provide for His people in extraordinary ways.

The Bible is replete with accounts of miracles, which range from healings and resurrections to supernatural occurrences and divine judgments. One of the foundational miracles is the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is central to Christian faith. Paul the Apostle emphasizes its significance in 1 Corinthians 15:14: "And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith." This miracle is not only a testament to God's power over death but also the cornerstone of Christian hope for eternal life.

Another key example of miracles in the Bible is Jesus feeding the 5,000. As recorded in Matthew 14:19-21, Jesus took five loaves and two fishes, looked up to heaven, and blessed them. The food was not only multiplied to feed thousands but there were also leftovers, illustrating Jesus' compassion and divine provision.

Miracles in Christianity are often perceived as God's response to prayer or as a way to affirm His presence and active involvement in the world. They are also seen as a way to authenticate the message of the gospel, as Jesus said in John 14:11, "Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves."

In essence, miracles from the Christian perspective are manifestations of divine power that confirm God’s authority and care, encouraging believers and drawing non-believers to faith. They are celebrated as profound expressions of God’s love and reminders of His ultimate control over all creation.